Welcome to the Heart Smart Program. This program allows you to monitor your food intake and calculate the amount of fat, cholesterol, and calories in your meal. These are all important factors in maintaining a healthy heart and life style. This program was written for your health and the continued maintenance of a healthy heart. This is a Shareware product. Shareware is not free software but a means for you to try software before you buy it. To keep the shareware concept going it is important for you to register your copy of this software, if you use it. If you decide not to use it (ever) then destroy the files and don't register the copy. If you do use it then you are obligated to register it. c
If you are going to use this program, registration instructions are in the Shareware
Help screen.
This program has been written to be versitile and allow the user to tailor the food list to their particular eating habits. Items can be added, edited, and deleted to the food list. Each of these features has a specific context sensitive help for them.
The program automatically saves the food content totals from execution to execution. This is an easy way to total the contents of your food throughout the day and save the data automatically. The totals are cleared with the totals
clear function.
The program is based on the Borland Desktop and includes the flexibility of a windows type environment. If you have a mouse, the program provides a point and click manipulation. If you don't have a mouse the tab key allows you to move around the window. The page up, page down, and arrow keys will help you move around the food list when the food list is the focused item. When an item is the focused item you will see a change in color for the box. For instance, when the food item list is the focused item, the selected item is in yellow. When the food item list is not the focused item the selected item appears in black. LIkewise, when either the add or subtract button is the focused item the button name will appear in white. To change the focused item within the window use the Tab key. It may take a while to catch on but it is easy once you play with it for a while. Mouse users automatically change focus when they click on the new item. X
The food item list box can be maninpulated with the keyboard using the following keys:
Up/Down Arrows to move one item at a time
Page Up/Down to move one page at a time
Ctrl Page Up to move to the first item
Ctrl Page Dn to move to the last item
A..Z using the alphabet keys moves to the first item with that letter
In addition to the add and subtract buttons, the status line at the bottom of the page also can be used to add and subtract from the food content table. Alt-S and Alt-A are replacements for the Add and Subtract buttons. The status line also contains other key functions that help the non-mouse user. f
If you are playing the calorie game, the flexibility of this program allows you to enter food items that are not food related. For instance, I bike, and for every minute of cycling I do, I burn 10 calories. At the end of the day I can subtract the number of calories I burned riding from my daily intake and come up with my net calorie count for the day. 0
The food contents window is modified by using the add or sub items in the status line or add and sub buttons. These functions will add or subtract the food item contents for the currently selected item. The add key would be used to add an item into your total intake for the meal. If the portion in the food item is 1 ounce and you had 8 ounces, you would add that item eight times. The subtract key does the same thing but in reverse. If you added too many portions of an item you can deduct the value off a portion by using the subtract action one time.
Shareware programs allow you to try software before you buy it. This is a great benefit to you because you are not buying something in shrink wrap that once it is opened it cannot be returned. Also the price of Shareware is much more reasonable than store bought software.
Shareware is not Public Domain Software. Public Domain software is given to the public for their use by the author and no registration fee is required. There are many programs that are in the public domain.
Only your cooperation with the Shareware concept will keep quality products coming from the basements of quality programmers. So if you are going to use this program or any shareware program register your copy.
The registration fee for this program is $10.00. When I receive your registration fee I will send you a new copy of the program without the annoying Shareware prompts and another program called Yellow Sticky which is a daily reminder program. Send your registration fee to: [
Henning Associates
Rt. 2 Box 526-A
Crozet, VA 22932
Load Heart Smart
This action loads the Heart Smart files and begins the execution of the Heart Smart program. This program was developed to help you maintain a healthy diet and life style. This is a Shareware program and you need to register your copy of this program if you are going to use it. See the Shareware
Help for further information.
Edit Food Item
The edit food item selection allows you to change the data in the food item table for the selected item. This is done in a dialog box. The edit function would be used to change the food content for an item, if you use a specific brand that has different contents, or to change the serving size. When the data in the window has been altered you can click the ok button to accept the data, or the cancel button to ignore the changes.
Add Food Item
The add food item action allows the user to enter new data into the food item table. The program limits the number of food items to 1500. Many times the data to be entered is on the food container. Other times the data can be obtained from a book such as "The Complete Book of Food Counts" by Corinne Netzer. So if you really do eat okra, you can add that to the food list and choose the serving size that best fits your eating habits. If the data entered in the Calorie, Fat, or Cholesterol fields are not valid numbers the computer will beep and you will be allowed to reedit the data. The added field is complete by clicking the OK button, or is aborted by clicking the cancel button.
Delete Food Item
This action deletes the currently selected item from the food list. There are no warnings, the item is gone. So, be careful using this function. The purpose of the function is to allow you to delete the items from the food list that you never have, never intend to, and never will eat. If you do delete an item by mistake, you can retrieve the previous version of the food item data in the file CALORIE.BK. Copy this file to the current data base with the DOS command - COPY CALORIE.BK CALORIE.DB. You will lose any other changes made along with the errant delete by taking this action.
Adjust Totals
Adjust totals is used as a single entry adjustment to the totals on the righthand side of the Heartsmart window. This action allows you to enter correction values for calories, fat, and cholesterol and would be used if the serving size in the food list is different than the serving size you ate. For instance, one tbsp. of mayonaise is 110 calories, 12.0 gms. of fat, and 0 mgs. of cholesterol. If you had one tsp. of mayonaise (1/3 of a tbsp.) then you would use the adjust totals entry and enter - calories 37, fat 4.0, and cholesterol 0. The adjust totals can also be used to subtract values from the totals by putting a minus sign before the number.
Clear Totals Values
This action resets all of the totals values to zero to prepare for another day, or another meal. When you exit the program the new total values will be saved, and reread when you run the program again.
Close Window
The close window action closes the Heart Smart program and saves the total values for the next execution. If the food item data has been changed, the new data will also be saved.
Quit Program
Quitting the Heart Smart program will automatically close the open windows and save the data just as when the window is closed prior to exiting. The user needs to be aware that exiting the program abnormally by turning off the computer or rebooting the computer will not allow the food item data or total data to be saved and any changes made during the current execution will be lost.
Add Contents
By taking an add action, you will increment the food content totals by the numbers specified in the selected item. The percent of dietary fat will be automatically computed.
Subtract Contents
The subtract action will deduct the contents amounts of the selected item from the food totals. This action would be used to correct for an errant addition, for instance. It isn't fair to subtract calories that have already been eaten.